Reina cant wait to get back to the beach

Reina cant wait to get back to the beach

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WEEK 4 BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well..this blog has turned out to be quite uneventful and I cant say that I am upset about that!!!!!!! Reina is doing great. She is putting weight on the leg while walking...if she tries to trot, she will do it on 3 legs still. For week four, it is pretty much the same as 3, but we can increase the 5 to 10 min walks to 10-15 min walks 2x a day. I must admit, I have been cheating. When we walk, I take her for about 15-20 min ...she seems to tolerate it well...Today we went to the dog park on Enterprise Rd. in Clearwater..Misty had a ball and Reina did too...she enjoyed walking around, even though she was on the leash!
Yup ...pretty uneventful. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. found your blog thru the yahoo group for CM. Will be following your progress. My sister's 8 y/0 overweight lab just recently tore a ccl and because of $$ and the invasive nature of the surgeries. I wish you and your sweet pets the best always.
    Janice in Indiana
